Piscataway “50ish” Reunion- Classes of ’65, ’66, ‘67
May 13-15, 2016

Location:The Clarion (formerly La Quinta), 60 Cottontail Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873 1-732-560-9880  
Hotel rooms including deluxe breakfast-may still be available. (Call directly) 

Cost: $50 per person

Friday Night- 5 p.m. Meet & Greet- Happy Hour in the hotel lounge  
Saturday morning-Tour of the High School
Saturday night- 6-7 p.m. Social Hour with hors d'oeuvres
7-10:30 p.m. Program with guest speaker Norm Winter, served dinner, dancing

 Dinner Choices: Roast Beef (indicate rare,medium,well); Chicken Marsala; Vegetarian Pasta Primavera (on request). Also included: Garden salad, rolls, roasted rosemary potatoes, vegetables, soda, iced tea, coffee, tea. Cash bar. 

Music provided by the Jimmy Ray band…songs from the ‘50’s to the present. Get ready to dance!

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Reservation Form 

I am looking forward to attending the 50ish Piscataway HS Reunion.

Enclosed is my check (payable to Kathy Klastava) for $________

  Send your check and this form as soon as possible  to:
Kathy Romeo Klastava: 64 Michelle Lane, Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Class member name____________________________________________ Year: 65 66 67 68

(Maiden name)_______________________________________________

Guest name __________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________

Home phone _______________________ Cell phone ______________________________

E-mail _________________________________________

Dinner selection for you: 
                   Chicken Marsala ___ Roast beef (rare, medium, well)_____ Pasta primavera ____

for your guest: Chicken Marsala ___ Roast beef (rare, medium, well)_____ Pasta primavera ____

Favorite song suggestions: ____________________________________________________


Printable version of the response form

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